
What is Home Staging?

Believe it or not, Home Staging is the opposite of interior design. It is the de-personalization of a room, making it more appealing to a lot of people. Simply put, everything must be "clean and neutral".

Home Staging is most commonly used by people who wants to sell their house for top dollars. It can also be for people who are experiencing transitions in their lives, a change in lifestyle or for families that simply wanted to have more space around their house because the kids are growing up or moving out for college.

Family pictures, collection of items and other personal stuff must be put away in order to make home staging works! De-cluttering, organizing and re-arranging are the core activities of Home Staging. It also entails a lil' bit of elbow grease, deodorizing and general cleaning here and there, ensuring that your house is on tip-top shape before your open house! Remember, it is important that your house is well presented and staged to attract more prospective buyers!

Bear in mind though that Home Stagers are not experts on renovations, repairs or architectural structures. We can make recommendation or suggestion but it is strongly advised to consult the experts on this matters.
A year ago, I watched an episode of an HGTV show that featured a simple yet wonderful transformation of a House For Sale. The said house was in the market for about 6 months and nobody has put any offer. The homeowner sought the help and expertise of a Home Stager as recommended by her realtor.  

The host of the show, also known as the Home Stager, used practical home staging techniques to help the worried homeowner. She only had a small budget to work with but still managed to make the rooms stand out. The results were well-received by the prospective buyers and positive feedbacks from the realtor. Her house was able to compete for top dollars among houses for sale in their block. There were no fancy interior designer sketches nor complex renovations involved. The only tasking activity showed was re-painting of the walls and the rest are do-it-yourself changes. I got inspired by the show. It showed a pragmatic format of transforming a blah to a wow!!!